Travel for Wellness

By Agrima Chopra

4 Ways How Travel Can Help You Achieve Wellness | Embark on a Journey to Healing

Leave to Live


Traveling holds the ability to transform. The infusion of it in everyday existence has time and again led to self-fulfillment, a balanced mindset, and an unwavering spirit. Be it through exploring and finding new spaces or even at the micro level of individuals by adding to their quality of life, travel transforms. It possesses the power to heal, change perspectives, and enable one to get back into touch with what is most important in life – inner harmony.

Wellness, the cumulation of choices taken by an individual to consciously live a healthy life – physically, mentally, and even spiritually can largely be accomplished through travel. The change of scenery, the push to trust your skills and resourcefulness, and majorly to know yourself, can be achieved beautifully through the visitation and exploration of new places. 

Going on a vacation for example inherently means unplugging. When you choose to go on a trip, you are choosing yourself, you’re choosing time away and you’re choosing to switch to a temporary way of being that is away from work and from the stresses connected to ordinary life. You are essentially unplugging yourself from your responsibilities, and expectations and driving that energy into introspection and self-care. It is a means to hit a pause in your life. That precisely is wellness. Putting conscious thought into prioritizing your well-being through actions like traveling to get away and relish the present, performing yoga, meditating, etc. is the most fulfilling form of wellness.

Increased manifold after the pandemic, traveling for wellness is now a non-negotiable for the general public. People have realized the importance of growing themselves, experiencing places and cultures, and most importantly taking care of and maintaining mental peace to deal with life as boldly as possible. Everyone is looking to switch from traveling to places to see tourist attractions to traveling for rejuvenation and expansion of experiences. Wellness tourism has taken hold of the present generations majorly because of the kind of work culture promoted nowadays. The capitalistic hustle has convinced many to go on retreats, and wellness destinations and take a break from the mundanity of their jobs.

Having such an all-encompassing work-life demands time for rest, rejuvenation, and peace of mind. All of which can be achieved through travel. It can open up new horizons and can alter your personality and add to your life experiences. This is exactly why travel is considered to be therapeutic. It helps slow you down and be present in the moment. When exposed to new cultures, new ways of life, food, and places, our perspective and manner of thinking also change. It boosts creativity and helps you detox and center yourself.

When one is taken out of their physical space of comfort, they are automatically challenged physically and mentally. It creates an opportunity for newer ways of living and newer ways of perceiving. Travel does that for a huge majority of people. It also by and far enables one to develop a higher sense of empathy because it exposes you to life perhaps not as privileged as the one being experienced so far thus giving way to gratefulness and ultimately to peace of mind.

All of this cumulatively healthily pressurizes you to see the bigger picture in life and grow as a person. It is a very natural and healthy way to clear your mind. It helps you increase your tolerance, change your perspective and boost your mental health by throwing you into experiences that are new, largely controllable, and very engaging.

Absorbing knowledge, peppering up your life, and slowing down are all key qualities that emerge when you choose to travel. Thus, making it an imperative part of existence that is therapeutic and contributes to constant change and upgradation of the quality of life one is currently experiencing.


How can you achieve wellness through travel?


There are multiple ways to practice wellness through the means of traveling. Being around nature, experiencing life slowly and steadily, and infusing energy into rejuvenation and upliftment of self are some of the ways that travel influences and shapes you, creating a wiser and stronger person.


1- Choosing your destination wisely.


Picking outskirts, mountains, beaches, and peaceful places over cities is a very easy way to shape your traveling experience into one that is lined by wellness. Choosing to forego your stresses related to work, to live, and switching to a calmer and gentler way of existence for a few days will give your brain, soul, and body a much-needed breather and fresh air. 


2- Picking your place of stay.


By choosing a retreat or a tranquil place of stay, you can mold your vacation into one that serves you the best. When you pick a place with many facilities that can help you wind down, you can infuse wellness into your vacation every day. 

For example, retreats like Svatma in Tamil Nadu have presented healing through music as an offering. Through the mellifluous music of the Thanjavur veena, they promise to bring you peace of mind. Similarly, Atmantan in Maharashtra offers Chi Nei Tsang, cocooning wraps, and Pranic chakra cleansing to promote wellness and winding down when you arrive at these destinations. Additionally, retreats like mekosha in Kerala offer ayurvedic healing and teachings to help you detox and create a fuller, better experience when you’re on vacation.


3- Diving in experiences offered at the destination.


Going to Sikkim and not availing the sheer peace and tranquility that monasteries can provide to you, would be a grave mistake. Thus knowing the facilities, attractions, and practices promoted in the region can drastically benefit your experience. According to the destination, offerings can change. In the northern regions, you can feel yourself getting engulfed in the meditative spirit broadcasted through Yoga and the basics of being present in the moment. Additionally, the force of ayurveda and natural healing or naturopathy promoted in South India is another beneficial and largely calming experience that you should try out.

Being well-informed about facilities also makes you a more customized experience that is suited to you and your needs.


4- Focusing on yourself and winding down.


Traveling to different destinations isn’t of much use if you don’t practice unplugging from your work life and from your schedules. Technology although possessing a multitude of benefits can hamper natural healing. Choosing to switch off your devices helps you live in the present and not be concerned with the happenings back home. Additionally consciously choosing to stay in the here and now can benefit your mental health and aid you in having a more holistic and satisfying experience. Investing time in practices like meditation, yoga, and other soothing, mindful ways of life while on vacation can also help you relax and experience true happiness.

Trying to focus on your own needs and deciphering them through experiences and exposing your brain to fresh takes, is also a form a self-care that is very beneficial.

Traveling has time and again proven to be a force of change, liberation and exceeding growth. It gives you enough space physically and mentally to bloom as a person and truly let nature, time, and your own brain refresh and prepare you for the future. Wellness and travel when coupled together can truly transform. 


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